• +1000


  • 4.5 HOURS




Codie's Exact Blueprint.

Now Yours.

In less than an hour a day, you'll learn from Codie as she guides you through the exact Blueprint she used to reach 8 figures in income.

Here's What You'll Learn

9-unit course, less than 60 minutes daily to complete.

  • 1

    Welcome to the Inside

    • Investor Operating System Intro - Welcome to Freedom.

    • The $ Lessons THEY Never Wanted Taught

    • Dear Humans: A Letter

    • But I can't...

    • Why most people are poor...

    • 30 Rules for a Rich Life: Lessons from My Billionaire Friend

  • 2

    Money Mindset: Lies & Truths

    • Careful What You Believe

    • Cashflow Investor Commandments

    • Reprogramming & Meditation

    • Inversion and the Power of Avoiding Idiocy

    • Speculator vs Investor

    • They’ve Done it Too: Stories from Those Who've Transcended Completed

  • 3

    Speaking the Language of Money

    • Contrarian Investor Matrix - Your Goal

    • The 5 R’s to Sovereignty.

    • Economics the foundation of thinking

    • What Makes A Good Cashflow Deal?

    • Terms You Need to Know in Private Deal Investing

    • Terms You Need to know in Private Equity (Business Buying)

  • 4

    Earn More → Invest More

    • The Number One Reason Most People Don't Become Millionaires

    • How to stay rich? Live like you're poor.

    • Throw off the Constraints - Contracts

    • Rev-Share Your Salary

    • Have You Paid the Fee?

  • 5

    Your Investor Toolkit

    • Learn the number one tool to drive your wealth

    • Become A Dealmaker Not A Rule taker

    • Your Investment Thesis & Framework

    • Become An Owner: The Get Rich Tripod…

  • 6

    Deals: Is it a F#ck Yes or No?

    • Your Investment Memo

    • 80/20 Rule to Doing Deals

    • Debt: Not a Boogeyman When Debt is A Huge Win

    • Bad vs Good Debt

  • 7

    The Cheat Code

    • Taxes & Investing

    • 3 Things to Know: Financial Statements

  • 8

    Diversify: Asset Classes 101 & 202

    • Boring Businesses: The Movement

    • 130 Boring Businesses I like to Invest In

    • Case Study: Boring Biz Buying - Auto Shops

    • Investing In a Recession

    • Fastest Passive Income Model

    • Buying A Business in A Recession

  • 9

    How to Stay Poor

    • How to Stay Poor?

    • What is Next?

    • Reading List: Perpetual Learners

Codie Sanchez, Creator Of The Investor Operating System

Codie Sanchez

Codie Sanchez is a reformed journalist, turned institutional Wall Streeter, to cannabis investor and advisor, to becoming the Founder and CEO at Contrarian Thinking. Codie helps people think critically about wealth building through unconventional business buying strategies. She’s built a $50m+ portfolio of “boring businesses” and continues to teach what she experiences every day making business deals.

Got Questions?

We Have Answers.

  • Will this course work for someone who has just started?

    Yes, we start from the beginning. Don't worry if you don't know much about the industry or have had no previous experience - we'll take you through everything step by step.

  • I am a W2 Employee, should I take this course?

    More than half of our Contrarian members are W-2 employees. Most are well paid and highly skilled, but they are either burnt out in their jobs or tired of building someone else’s wealth or both. This course will teach you how to leave (or supplement) your W2 job so you can stop side hustling once and for all.

  • Can the course concept be applied outside of the US?

    Yes, as long as you live in a country with a free market economy. We can't speak for every country's laws, but the structure we provide will still be helpful to you.

  • How much time will this take to complete the course?

    The course is self-paced. Once you complete one lesson, you can move on to the next. We recommend that you take about one to two weeks to complete it, but you can go faster. There are about 4.5 hours of total video, in 9 units.

  • Can I cancel and get a refund if I’m not satisfied?

    No, we do not offer refunds. We do stand behind our content and what we teach. We only want people joining if they are 100% committed to learn about buying a business and will trust, and follow our process.

Don't recreate the wheel.

Steal the entire blueprint.

Are you tired of being stuck in a dead-end job, constantly chasing financial stability? It's time to take control of your financial future and reclaim your time. Get access to the exact blueprint used by Codie Sanchez to build a thriving business portfolio and reach 8 figures in income.